ITU Faculty of Architecture Department of Industrial Design was established in 1993 in historically oldest yet still-vibrant technical university in Turkey as a response to the needs of the Turkish society and industry for creative designers with strong technological, managerial and entrepreneurial skills.

ITU Faculty of Architecture Department of Industrial Design defines its Mission as: Educating and training students to become designers, who can use their knowledge and skills to generate innovative product concepts and specifications for the common good of all the stakeholders involved in the use, production, and marketing, without ignoring the ethical and environmental issues; Considering the needs of Turkey and international developments, to undertake interdisciplinary design research to generate new knowledge and methods in design, and share them with the stakeholders; Setting effective strategies to promote industrial design to relevant stakeholders, to inform them, and applying these strategies into action by aiming at utilising industrial design to contribute to the national development and to raise the well-being of citizens via industrial design.


In Istanbul, the industrial and cultural capital of Turkey, ITU Faculty of Architecture Department of Industrial Design provides design education of international standards at undergraduate and graduate (including PhD) levels in two languages, English and Turkish. Issues regarding user-orientation, innovation (technological and social), sustainability, and culture are emphasized in the undergraduate and graduate education. Students are asked to fulfill 157 local cedits to finish the undergraduate program. There are 61 courses wihtin the curriculum and 12 of them are electives and 49 of them are compulsory courses.


ITU Faculty of Architecture Department of Industrial Design offers masters (MSc) and doctoral (PhD) education and as part of the Graduate School of Science, Engineering and Technology since 1989 and 1996 respectively. Besides product designers, the graduate programs are open for candidates with undergraduate degrees from engineering, architecture, fine arts, and social sciences (i.e., psychology, sociology, anthropology). These candidates, if accepted, should complete courses equivalent to 15 credits from undergraduate program as a preparation program. Graduate research areas include material culture, design for sustainability, social innovation, design thinking, craft, user experience, design history, interaction design, design policy, design philosophy, and design entrepreneurship. For furher informaion, please visit the website.


(BE) West Flanders Uni.
(DE) Universitat Kassel, Staatliche Hochschule für Gestaltung Karlsruhe,
Hochschule für Bildende Künste Braunschweig, Hochschule für Gestaltung
Offenbach am Main, Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Regensburg
(FI) Aalto Uni.
(FR) Nantes Atlantique Tasarım Okulu
(GB) Sheffield Uni.
(IT) Università degli Studi di Roma: La Sapienza Università degli Studi di Ferrara, Milano Politeknik, Torino Politeknik
(NL) TU Delft
(SE) Lund Uni., Linnaeus Uni., Umea Uni.
(PT) Universidade de Lisboa, Universidade do Porto.




Intr. to Industrial Prod.Desg. and Ethics

Basic Design and Visual Arts

Vis. Comm.I: Visualiz.&Tch. Drw.

Mathematics I


Project I

English Course I

Academic Advising

Vis. Comm.II: Visualiz.&Persp.

Project II

Design Theories and Method.

Strenght of Materials

Material in Design

Int. to Prog. Lang. (Python)

English Course II

Academic Advising

Project III

Computer Aided Design

Manufacturing Methods

Model Making I

Academic Advising

Research for Product Design

Elective Course I (MT)

Elective Course II (MT)

Industrial Design Studio I

History of Design I

Model Making II

Computer Aided 3D Modeling

Statistics for Research and Design

Human Factors in Product Design

Academic Advising

Elective Course (ITB)

Industrial Design Studio II

History of Design II

Intr. to Mechanical Design

Academic Advising


Turkish Language I*

Elective Course (MT)

Industrial Design Studio III

Project Management in Design

Law and Legal Issues in Design


Academic Advising

Turkish Language II*

Elective Course I (MT)

Elective Course II (MT)

Industrial Design Studio IV

Ataturk Ilke. & Inkılap Tarihi I*

New Product Development

Cult. and Com. in Product Design

Academic Advising

Elective Course I (MT)

Elective Course II (MT)

Elective Course III (ITB)

Graduation Project

Ataturk Ilke. &Inkılap Tarihi II*

Academic Advising

Elective Course I (MT)

Elective Course II (MT)

Elective Course III (MT)

*Courses taught in Turkish

For more information download the brochure

For more information, visit the department web site