Dünyaca ünlü Dutch Peyzaj Mimarı Lodewijk Baljon,
22 Eylul 2014 Pazartesi, 12:30 13:30 saatleri arası,
109 no’lu salonda bir seminer verecektir.
Konuşmacının öz geçmişini asağıda bulabilirsiniz,
ekte daha detaylı bilgi mevcuttur.
Lodewijk Baljon graduated from Wageningen University and received his PhD in 1992. Since 1986 he
has based his office in Amsterdam, where he works with a team of ten designers on a variety of
projects, ranging from private to public projects and from landscape architecture to urban design.
The design work is supported by teaching, research and writing. He has been the recipient of the
most prestigious prize for urban design in the Netherlands: Omgevingsarchitectuurprijs. In 2004 he
received two awards from the American Society of Landscape Architects. Recently he has been
awarded the Dutch Design Award (category: public space); the German Design Prize, for the Station
Square in Apeldoorn; and the National Building Prize (category: integral design) for the City garden
at the government office complex in Groningen. He has written numerous critical essays on urban
and landscape developments and lectures on a regular basis. He has also taught at Harvard’s
Graduate School of Design.
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