Dates: 6-17 September 2015
Venue: Mimar Sinan University, Findikli

Stop City Workshop is a joint French-Italian research project on unplanned urbanity, areas of degrowth and new social interactions. Of special interest are the future of complex sectors created by unprecedented influx, renewed social practices and new urban gridding. The workshop will be held in Istanbul this year at MSGSÜ between 6-7 September. The organizers are Ecole d’enseignement supé&rieur d’art de Bordeaux (EBABX), Ecole nationale supérieure d’architecture et du paysage de Bordeaux (EnsapBx), and Politenico de Milan Master «Design degli interni». There is a quota of 8 students for the ITU students from any program(Architecture, Interior Design, Landscape Architecture, Urbanism and Planning, and Industrial Design). ITU students are called for application through a 250-word “purpose of attendence” paragraph. (Full time attendence is required between these dates.) Please see details of the theme below.

If you are interested in attending this workshop please send an email until 15 August with your 250-word “purpose of attendence” to: Aslıhan Senel and Başak Demires


The discontinuity, fragmentation, and confrontation [telescoping] between dissimilar sectors seems to characterize the present.
In recent months, many public squares have been transformed into modern-day agoras, where inventive solidarities and unprecedented confrontations have emerged simultaneously.

In some cases, limits and borders between worlds have been erased, whereas others have been re-fortified. Heterogeneous, mitigated sectors – linking together a multitude of previously antagonistic systems – have arisen, whilst elsewhere new conficts have appeared.

In other areas, the desctructive force of dramatic, extraordinary natural events has rearranged large expanses of the urban fabric, by tearing it apart.

Cities, like all other sites of human settlement, should no longer be understood as continuous, sprawling entities. Generalized urban growth is no longer a given. Forty years later, the No Stop City concept developed by the radical Italian movement Archizoom seems out-of-touch with current practices. Even more recent concepts, such as Ville générique and Junkspaces – developed by Rem Koolhaas, Stéphano Boeri and Sanford Kwinter during their research on the transformation of cities and unstable geographies [2000] – are no longer adapted for analysing the latest developments of the contemporary city.

The discontinuity, fragmentation, and confrontation [telescoping] between dissimilar sectors seems to characterize the present.

Stop city : atmospheric disturbances, withdrawn neighbourhoods, remarkable re-gridding, enclosed ruralities, military separation lines, security perimeters, inert landscapes, porous borders, reclaimed and requalified urban wastelands, fragmented water reserves… our line of inquiry shall focus on these complex sectors, where urban development stops, and new issues of urban enclosure and re-gridding arise.

The research group is invited/called upon to identify and to define specific locations. These spaces of f(r)ictions where the urban fabric is pulled in all directions will become sites for study and project installation.

The research will unfold over multiple phases. The first will be tasked with organising the documentation concerning these “complex sectors”, which will include photographic and video location-scouting, interviews, a selection of internet and media documents, as well as their critical analysis. In the second phase, program will be elaborated, along with a development study.

In the final phase of research, proposals for artistic interventions will be put forward, with the aim of revealing these spaces through new fictions.

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